I've recently reread Margaret Lobenstine's The Renaissance Soul: Life Design for People with Too Many Passions to Pick Just One.
Simply put, Renaissance souls are people who have lots of different interests but who often get stuck in finding a way to make progress in any of them. Lobenstine presents lots of tools and strategies for finetuning your ideas so you can move forward in chosen areas.
I've always been a list maker and paper calendar keeper. As a self-employed person, organization and meeting deadlines is my middle name. Even so, some of her strategies have been really useful as I move from a full-time indexing career into rewiring for a more arts-focused life.
As is the case in most books of this sort, some ideas were more personally applicable than others. If you've found yourself with too many interest areas and not enough forward movement--and that does not mean focusing on one thing but balancing your time among several passions--she has some tools for you to try.
I read the 2006 edition; there is a newer edition available. I suspect you could easily find a copy of one or the other at your local library or a used copy at your favorite used bookstore.