October Wabash Valley Artists Society News
This month there will be NO 3rd Tuesday program. Instead we will have a Saturday Paint Out, October 29th.
We'll want to take advantage of the possibility to paint outside one last time before bad weather hits. Hopefully, the weather on the 29th will co-operate!
Paint Out - October 29th, Prophetstown State Park, http://www.in.gov/dnr/pa rklake/2971.htm
Time - Meet at Tapawingo Park, https://www.westlafayett e.in.gov/egov/apps/locations/f acilities.egov?view=detail&id= 15, at 8:30am in the parking lot to car pool.
Or - we will meet you at the entry to Prophetstown about 8:50. There is an $8 entry fee per car, so car pooling will save $.
Painting Venue - there are several places to paint, the farm, the prairies, you just drive around and see what "grabs" you.
Lunch - Bring a sack lunch and we can meet up at 11:30 or 12:00 to show and share.
Meet at the Meadow View Family Picnic Area. Map: http://www.in.gov/dnr/parklak e/files/prophetstown_trail.pdf
Invite a friend to join you! You don't have to be a member to come!
This month at Sylvias:
Juried Show - you can pick up your paintings at 3:30, Wednesday, October 19th. It has been a wonderful exhibit. The People's Choice award will be tabulated at the end of the exhibit. The artist will be notified of their award and an e-mail sent to the membership.
At the same time, you may bring a painting to be hung at Sylvias during the holiday season until January. Be sure to attach a paper on the back of your painting with your name, title, medium and price. Make sure no saw tooth hangers, wire hangers please. Remember paintings cannot be removed off the wall until January. If they are purchased, the artist will be notified and can replace it with another painting.
Heads Up for November Meeting!
Terry Lacey will give a hands on demo for creating paper - check out his website!
Enjoy the beautiful fall we are having!

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